About Sheila:
Sheila Chivura is an entrepreneur who began working to support her studies. Thanks to her business, she can assist her family and cover some college expenses. She is eager to expand her business and bring innovation to her community. She is ecstatic about creating jobs for young people in her community and influencing them in a positive way.
Transition into Entrepreneurship
At the start of the COVID pandemic, Sheila identified a need in her community, risk-free, contactless food services. She is also passionate about impacting the youth in job creation, and entrepreneurship and wants to use her online platform and technology to get them where they want. She is excited at the prospect of hiring and upskilling young people as she scales her business. She also wants more training on how to be a stronger entrepreneur and a better business owner.
Business Profile
Quitutes is a home-based online restaurant/food service. Through varying digital platforms, clients can see what meals they have, order meals that they want, and pay for the meals online as well. After which she arranges deliveries for her clients at their convenience. She also makes use of her digital platforms to market her business, recipes, and meals.
Clients no longer have to go outside to purchase food and risk catching COVID but also it’s a convenient service where food is delivered to their door. Her dream is for clients to have whatever they want without leaving the comfort of their homes. She wishes to expand her offerings by having a proper office/kitchen and moving it out of her home. She wants to learn more recipes so that she can offer more options to her clients and improve the quality of her current products. The venture targets people who want healthy home-cooked meals from the safety and comfort of their homes and generates about $120 on a monthly basis.