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Mustapha Zeroual
About Mustapha
Mustapha Zeroul is from a rural town in the southern part of Morocco. He obtained his high school diploma in Sciences and...
Abdelouahab Toukkart
Isla Pack
About Abdelouahab
Abdelouahab Toukkart developed his innate strong entrepreneurial skillset from his father. Abdelouahab left university and spent most of his teenage years helping his...
Mohamed El Idrysy
Health Solutions INC
Mohamed describes himself as a curious mind and a believer in bringing patient-centred healthcare to his community. In his analysis of the medical establishment...
Fadwa Moussaif
Boucharouette Eco-Création
Fadwa Moussaif is the founder of Boucharouette Eco-Création (B.E.C), a company that started as a humble school project where students were tasked with coming...
Issam Darui provides services to travel cleverly for the first time in Morocco, providing schedules to over 150 destinations including tourist destinations– in Morocco and...